Vetty and HHS: A Partnership in Hiring Acceleration

In the realm of service support organizations, HHS holds a vital position by filling critical roles in hospitals, spanning food service, maintenance, and janitorial functions. These roles demand rigorous screenings, including criminal and drug checks. Given the high turnover rate in these roles, an efficient hiring process is imperative. However, HHS grappled with slow Turnaround Time (TAT), a surge in support tickets during onboarding, and inefficient drug testing locations, all at a cost that exceeded perceived value. This is where Vetty emerged as a strategic partner to engineer transformation.


The Problem

HHS encountered a myriad of challenges, many stemming from a convoluted tech stack, representing the various platforms used to deliver solutions. The ultimate goal for HHS was rapid and efficient candidate onboarding. Yet, the existing solution was far from swift and efficient—it involved navigating multiple platforms, resulting in a laborious and costly process. Slow criminal checks, suboptimal drug testing locations, and data scarcity caused predicaments for hiring managers and candidates alike. HHS yearned for a unified onboarding platform, setting off a search for a comprehensive solution.

The Solution

HHS laid out key requisites when seeking a solution, with streamlined candidate onboarding topping the list. They sought a partner who could seamlessly integrate criminal checks, drug screenings, and document signing into a single platform. Enter Vetty, meticulously designed as an all-encompassing onboarding hub—a perfect match for HHS.

“Partner” perfectly encapsulates what HHS sought. Rather than a conventional client-vendor dynamic, HHS desired a collaborative partnership that transcended traditional roles. Vetty and HHS aligned in their approach, pivoting away from service provider status to co-creators of tailored solutions, ensuring an optimal and effective fit. When asked about the improvements seen through Vetty opposed to other pre-hire screening platforms, Michelle McDonald, a Pre-Hire Screening Specialist for HHS stated, The biggest improvement would be the fact that the platform is much more customizable. HHS has many locations and each requires different screenings and the Vetty platform is great at allowing us to set up each PC with the screenings required.”

"The biggest improvement would be the fact that the platform is much more customizable. HHS has many locations and each requires different screenings and the Vetty platform is great at allowing us to set up each PC with the screenings required."

This partnership forged solutions. Vetty crafted an all-in-one platform catering to HHS’s diverse hiring needs. Customized package solutions were devised, alongside improved drug testing locations. Vetty extended coverage across the U.S., offering clinics in proximity to the multitude of candidates requiring drug screenings. Lisa Molnar, Chief Human Resources Officer at HHS, shared the importance of the improved TAT, specifically on the OccHealth side of things. When asked about the improvements she had seen through Vetty, Lisa stated,Vetty’s vast network of labs and clinics has drastically improved our ability to meet start dates, improving our offer-to-active time period by over 60 percent.”

"Vetty's vast network of labs and clinics has drastically improved our ability to meet start dates, improving our offer-to-active time period by over 60%."

Vetty introduced HHS to an easy-to-use, data-rich platform—an unprecedented asset. This streamlined candidate-initiated steps for their first day while furnishing hiring managers with a dashboard for holistic candidate oversight. Background check status, drug screening progress, and TAT information were readily accessible.

The Results

The transition to Vetty ushered in rapid hiring improvements, surpassing expectations. Various KPIs were observed to reflect these improvements including:

  • Diminished Support Tickets: The partnership resulted in a notable 14% reduction in support tickets for both candidates and hiring managers. This can be attributed to Vetty’s easy-to-use mobile-first platform, which allows for candidates to easily complete their pre-hire process all from their phone. 
  • Reduced Costs: The consolidation of practices following the adoption of Vetty led to a substantial 47% decrease in pre-screening expenses. You heard that right, Vetty nearly cut HHS’ cost in half!
  • Enhanced TAT: By eliminating the need to navigate disparate platforms and streamlining testing sites, Vetty orchestrated a remarkable 60% acceleration in the candidate offer-to-active employee timeline. This means more candidates avoiding employee drop off, and more importantly the perfect employee avoiding employee dropoff. 

In the fiercely competitive hiring landscape, securing top-tier candidates stands as a make-or-break endeavor. This truth reverberates across industries and can profoundly impact a company’s trajectory. HHS astutely recognized the necessity of optimizing their processes to secure exceptional talent. The question was, who could execute the consolidation of practices and deliver solutions that saved time, expenses, and candidates?

Vetty emerged as the definitive answer, not merely due to its robust resources, but its ability to tailor solutions to HHS’s precise demands. The measurable enhancements delivered by Vetty to HHS, quantified through empirical improvements, underscore the value of this collaboration. HHS grappled with a significant pre-hire screening bottleneck, and Vetty stepped in to engineer change. This case study illuminates a singular success story in a tapestry of numerous triumphs, demonstrating Vetty’s pivotal role in elevating HHS’s operations.

Ready to learn more?

Schedule a demo today and see how Vetty can help you hire faster today.