Lever Integration Promotion

Modern & Automated Background Checks


Dashboards makes background checks easy and reliable.

Vetty is Candidate-Friendly.

Notifications & Candidate Communications are Mobile-First and helpful.

Vetty is built for you.

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Square Logo's Large (24)

Why Go Vetty?

Mobile First

Remote First

Run Checks Anywhere

Flexibility You Want

Great Customer Service

Vetty™ makes background checks easy for every type of role.

  • Traditional PreEmployment
  • Remote & Hybrid Employment Solutions 
  • Driver & Ongoing Driver Compliance Monitoring
  • Healthcare & Compliance Monitoring 
  • Occupational Health Screening & Drug Screening

Vetty™ removes the friction from background checks.

  • Perfected Compliant Candidate Experience
  • Mobile-First, System Agnostic, No Downloads. 
  • 100% Line of Sight

The Lever & Vetty Offer:

And a la carte options

For Days...

International, Federal, Civil, Healthcare Education, Employment, Healhcare Sanctions, Compliance Monitoring Solutions

Sign Up Today.
Hire Smarter Tomorrow.

The Launch Process? Minutes or Less.

Do Something Great.

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Enjoy Reward.

Lever Kickoff Promotion

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Square Logo's Large (24)