
Why choose VettyVerified™?

Because jeopardizing risk, using clunky product,
and a laborious implementation is only things a legacy provider would recommend.

This is the path to risk-free hiring.

What were they looking for?

The same thing Most Hiring Folks want.

something easy to use and powerful, but no lift.

Ours like no other, and you will be up and running in a few minutes.


Mobile-First. Candidate-Centric.
Perfect Onboarding.

Protection, KEEP THEM COMPLIANT, and out of harms way.

Auditors love our candidate-centric model. Everything is only two-clicks away.

good price. volume freedom. cancel anytime.

Being nimble is a smart decision, for any business.

How Easy is it to use?

Honestly, it's Super Easy.

How do you review the results?

That's easy too, one page candidate-centric reviews with everything you need.

Increase Transparency for Hiring Teams.

  • Candidate-Centric Reviews
  • Real-Time Line of Sight
  • Superior Navigation 

Our dashboard and VettyVerified™ profiles makes risk less risky.

  • Activity Feed
  • Embedded Email 
  • Reminder and Nudge Reminders
  • Single Page Reviews
  • Compliance Wizard

What's Customer Service Like?

Friction-Free and Ready to Help.

Dedicated Customer Service is here to help.

  • Team Support –  Internal Users and Teams
  • Applicant Support – Candidates & Post-Hire
  • Zendesk Ticketing
  • Chatflows for Both
  • 3 Prong Communications Phone, Email, ServiceBot

What's the process to get started?

We've got two options

Basic User Info

1st - Create your user account

The first thing you'll do is create your account. You'll be able to add all your users and their permissions inside Vetty.

Users can be assigned special roles

Our built-in roles like a "Super User" or "Reviewer" makes adding new users simple. All you need is Name, Email, and assign the permission.

Package Details

2nd - Build your risk packages

Vetty comes with the 3 most common, risk-mitigating, VettyVerified™ Packages built-in. Need to match a current program? You'll be able to do a side-by-side in the setup process.

Pick and Play as needed

Our 3 most popular checks cover 90% of the market needs, but our offering is extensive, including international. You'll have customizable options in the checkout process, or we can add them after.

Account Setup

3rd - Link your business

Have your FEIN number ready, it only takes a few seconds.

Vetty uses these TLS 1.2 encryption to ensure our customers, and candidates information is safe and secure, at all times.

Vetty is FCRA Compliant

That means we follow important compliance rules that keep us, and you out of harm's way. When hiring for employment, you have "Permissible Purpose".

Choose Your Discount and Checkout

4th - Monthly, Semi-annual, or Annual?

Vetty believes in flexibility, and solutions built to your business. Choose the best fit for you. Vetty is a Stripe partner.

Choose your discount

We invest greatly in the future of Vetty and our customers, when you sign up with us - extended commitments allow us to accelerate our solutions to customers like you. We discount as a simple Thank You.
Vetty is a stripe partner

What's the best way to try it out?

Easy. Where do you think you fall?

You’re Looking For No Sales, Great Price,
Running Checks In Minutes.

You’re Hiring at Scale, Want To Talk Volume, and
Would Like An Enterprise Demo.



Get Vetty Verifier

Your Day Is:
Getting Better 93%


Talk risky to me.

Win your hiring game.